What month should you winterize your car?

The specific month to winterize your car can vary depending on your location and the climate of the region. In general, we advise you to start preparing your car for winter before the colder weather sets in and potentially brings snow, ice, and other winter driving challenges.

In colder climates where winter conditions start early, such as in northern regions, it's a good idea to start the winterization process in the fall, typically around late September or early October. This allows you to address issues like checking and changing your antifreeze, ensuring your tires are suitable for winter conditions, inspecting your battery, and ensuring your heating system is working properly.

It’s crucial to repair any auto glass cracks before the weather gets colder, as glass expands and contracts in extreme temperatures.  When a windshield is compromised with a small crack, it’s very likely that condensation, water, or other moisture will fill the crack and freeze, causing the crack to expand. The same effect can occur by blasting the heat from the defroster. The sudden temperature change causes the glass that has contracted to expand rapidly, potentially causing it to grow from a small crack to a massive break across the entire windshield. Make sure to get any cracks repaired now, to avoid huge breaks in the future!

If you live in a milder climate where winter is less severe, you might not need to winterize your car as extensively, but it's still a good idea to perform some basic maintenance checks before the colder months. Regardless of your location, it's always a good practice to consult your vehicle's owner's manual for specific recommendations and guidelines regarding winterizing your car.


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